Special issue: The Rights of Victims of Crime in Ireland and the United Kingdom: An Exploration of Recent Changes and Challenges
Guest Editor: Susan Leahy
Full Issue
Illicit drug markets, systemic violence and victimisation
Abstract 860 | NILQ 68.4.1 Connolly Downloads 720 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.54Page 415-432
Victims of crime with intellectual disabilities and Ireland’s adversarial trial: some ontological, procedural and attitudinal concerns
Abstract 759 | NILQ 68.4.2 Cusack Downloads 541 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.57Page 433-449
Non-verbal victims in the adversarial criminal process: communication, competency, and credibility
Abstract 685 | NILQ 68.4.3 Doak and Doak Downloads 466 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.59Page 451-468
Victims of crime: culture, politics and criminal process in the twenty-first century
Abstract 890 | NILQ 69.4.4 Hall Downloads 554 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.55Page 469-90
The participation of victims in the trial process
Abstract 512 | NILQ 68.4.5 Heffernan Downloads 500 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.60Page 491-504
The victim in the Irish criminal process: a journey from dispossession towards partial repossession
Abstract 718 | NILQ 68.4.6 Kilcommins Downloads 489 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.61Page 505-517
Exploring the impact of the Victims’ Directive on service provision for victims of crime in Ireland
Abstract 1115 | NILQ 68.4.7 Leahy and Spain Downloads 4038 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.62Page 519-538
‘Respectable’ victims and safe solutions: the hidden politics of victimology?
Abstract 1925 | NILQ 68.5.8 McCullagh Downloads 584 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.63Page 539-553
Victim personal statements in managing victims’ voices in sentencing in Northern Ireland: taking a more procedural justice approach
Abstract 492 | NILQ 68.4.9 Downloads 303 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.64Page 555-576
Legislation, trends and cases
The Assisted Reproduction Bill 2017: an analysis of proposals to regulate surrogacy in Ireland
Abstract 698 | NILQ 68.4.10 Bracken Downloads 474 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.65Page 577-585
Book review: International Copyright and Access to Knowledge, Sarah Bannerman, Cambridge University Press
Abstract 411 | NILQ 68.4.11 Mercado Downloads 225 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v68i4.66Page 587-580