Special Issue: Reforming Libel Law
Guest Editors: David Capper and Gordon Anthony


Editors’ introduction

David Capper, Gordon Anthony
Abstract 130 | NILQ 63.1.0 Capper and Anthony Downloads 158 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v63i1.381

Page 1-3

Reframing libel: taking (all) rights seriously and where it leads

Alastair Mullis, Andrew Scott
Abstract 192 | NILQ 63.1.1 Mullis and Scott Downloads 280 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v63i1.371

Page 5-25

The internet – making a difference?

Steve Hedley
Abstract 149 | NILQ 63.1.4 Hedley Downloads 199 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v63i1.374

Page 75-83

Libel tourism – a solution in sight?

Trevor C Hartley
Abstract 227 | NILQ 63.1.5 Hartley Downloads 327 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v63i1.375

Page 85-96

British defamation reform: an American perspective

Russell L Weaver
Abstract 144 | NILQ 63.1.6 Weaver Downloads 169 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v63i1.376

Page 97-117

Funding defamation litigation

Paul Tweed
Abstract 142 | NILQ 63.1.9 Tweed Downloads 203 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v63i1.379

Page 145-148