Special Issue: Legal Appropriation: Taking of and by Law
Guest Editors: Amanda Perry-Kessaris and Ting Xu
Full Issue
Legal appropriation: taking of and by law
Abstract 147 | NILQ 63.3.1 Intro Downloads 91 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.346Page 277-279
Appropriation of discourses: justice and corporate social responsibility in an artisanal mining community of rural Colombia
Abstract 162 | NILQ 64.3.2 Kane Downloads 171 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.347Page 281-297
Bringing the outside(r) in: law’s appropriation of subversive identities
Abstract 185 | NILQ 64.3.3 Keenan Downloads 152 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.352Page 299-316
The laws of social reproduction: a lesson in appropriation
Abstract 329 | NILQ 64.3.4 Kotiswaran Downloads 443 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.353Page 317-333
Oral history as a tool of legal analysis: women in the margins of Israeli society
Abstract 163 | NILQ 64.3.5 Lee Downloads 195 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.354Page 335-350
The protection of cultural heritage: common heritage of humankind, national cultural ‘patrimony’ or private property?
Abstract 365 | NILQ 64.3.6 Macmillan Downloads 257 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.355Page 351-364
Matters of ownership: a ‘People’s Port’ for Dover?
Abstract 197 | NILQ 64.3.7 Bottomley and Moore Downloads 158 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.358Page 365-382
Appropriating rhetoric: a beginner’s guide
Abstract 145 | NILQ 64.3.8 Williams Downloads 143 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.359Page 383-395
The informal justice paradigm and the appropriation of ‘local reality’
Abstract 186 | NILQ 64.3.9 Wimpelmann Downloads 231 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.360Page 397-409
Taking as giving, appropriation as access: transfers of land development rights and China’s recent experiments
Abstract 134 | NILQ 64.3.10 Downloads 144 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v64i3.361Page 411-424