This short preview edition showcases articles to be published in our forthcoming winter special issue entitled: 'Caught in the web: capturing the zeitgeist of "Big Tech" companies, social media speech and privacy' to be published on Monday 10 December 2018. Guest Editor: Peter Coe
Introduction – Caught in the web: capturing the zeitgeist of ‘Big Tech’ companies, social media speech and privacy
Abstract 449 | NILQ 69.4.1 Wragg Downloads 253 | DOI 397-401
Fakebook: why Facebook makes the fake news problem inevitable
Abstract 1571 | NILQ 69.4.5 Bernal Downloads 1443 | DOI 513-530
Book Review: Media Law by Jacob Rowbottom
Abstract 561 | NILQ 69.4.7 Coe Downloads 226 | DOI 559-560