Special Issue: The Right to Education
Guest Editors: Brice Dickson and Conor McCormick
Full Issue
Abstract 122 | NILQ 67.4.1 Foreword Downloads 130 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v67i4.127Page 407-408
The right to education for humanity
Abstract 182 | NILQ 67.4.2 Dickson and McCormick Downloads 155 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v67i4.128Page 409-432
Decolonising education in Africa: implementing the right to education by re-appropriating culture and indigeneity
Abstract 489 | NILQ 67.4.3 Adebisi Downloads 830 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v67i4.129Page 433-451
Minority rights, integration and education in the Western Balkans
Abstract 144 | NILQ 67.4.4 Criag Downloads 141 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v67i4.130Page 453-471
Potential barriers to the new child’s right to appeal to Special Educational Needs and Disability tribunals in Northern Ireland
Abstract 177 | NILQ 67.4.5 Drummond Downloads 200 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v67i4.131Page 473-490
The right to education for young people excluded from mainstream in a divided society
Abstract 339 | NILQ 67.4.6 Downloads 403 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v67i4.132Page 491-514