A legal approach to the protection of customers of banks and other financial institutions from identity theft in Nigeria
Abstract 174 | NILQ 75.AD1.1 Anifalaje Downloads 3 | DOI 1-28
The origins of ‘civil rights and religious liberties’ in the Belfast-Good Friday Agreement
Abstract 232 | NILQ 75.AD1.4 McCrudden Downloads 208 | DOI 29-73
Views from the coal face: the development of international commercial mediation
Abstract 138 | NILQ 75.AD1.6 Clark and Sourdin Downloads 200 | DOI 74-106
Nineteenth-century registers: constituting the market, professions and individuals
Abstract 73 | NILQ 75.AD1.7 Dent Downloads 53 | DOI 107-134
Commentaries and Notes
Cracking a nut with a sledgehammer: the Lord Advocate’s Reference on a second Scottish independence referendum in constitutional context
Abstract 361 | NILQ 75.AD1.2 Petkar Downloads 8 | DOI 1-14
People – the forgotten chapter? From the EU’s neighbourhood policy to post-Brexit Ireland (north and south) – and lasting damage to the integrative capacity of the EU Internal Market project
Abstract 255 | NILQ 75.AD1.3 Schiek Downloads 134 | DOI 15-25
Sentencing: R v Kenneth Clarke & Jamie McConnell (Reference by the Director of Public Prosecutions) [2024] NICA 52
Abstract 92 | NILQ 75.AD1.5 Taggart Downloads 47 | DOI 26-34
A case study on public inquiry engagement with vulnerable witnesses and on putting participants at the heart of the public inquiry process: insights from the Muckamore Abbey Hospital Inquiry
Abstract 260 | NILQ 75.AD1.8 Ireton and Ratcliffe Downloads 217 | DOI 35-66