Full Issue
What happened in there? Confessions, credibility and automatic exclusion: the case of Artt and confession admissibility
Abstract 214 | NILQ 73.1.1 Rea Downloads 245 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.998Page 1-25
Protecting private information in the digital era: making the most effective use of the availability of the actions under the GDPR/DPA and the tort of misuse of private information
Abstract 301 | NILQ 73.1.2 Brimblecombe and Fenwick Downloads 456 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.999Page 26-73
Should judges be neutral?
Abstract 316 | NILQ 73.1.3 Hogan Downloads 529 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.1000Page 74-101
Coronavirus legislative responses in the UK: regression to panic and disdain of constitutionalism
Abstract 201 | NILQ 73.1.4 Moosavian et al Downloads 436 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.1001Page 102-137
Commentaries and Notes
The Union in court: Allister and others’ Application for Judicial Review [2021] NIQB 64
Abstract 284 | NILQ 73.1.5 Deb Downloads 341 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.1002Page 138-161
Freedom of Expression
Abstract 248 | NILQ 73.1.6 Morgan Downloads 182 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73iAD1.995Page 162-174
Foster v Jessen: a comment on law and online defamation in Northern Ireland
Abstract 179 | NILQ 73.1.7 Hanna Downloads 191 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.1003Page 175-184
Family provision claims and young children: Re R (Deceased)
Abstract 234 | NILQ 73.1.8 Conway Downloads 616 | DOI https://doi.org/10.53386/nilq.v73i1.1004Page 185-197